September 6, 2010

The importance of partnerships

I’ve been mulling over the phrase “cross-cultural fertilisation” - it seems to describe Radio Aquitaine perfectly. I’ve been working hard on the station while contemplating its role in a broader European media framework, and the forces affecting media and diversity issues. Democratic, probing journalism builds and strengthens democracies; through entertaining content you can educate and inform. Diversity is a reality and there is a real need for a cross-national, pan-European approach to media ethics and journalism education. I’m big on inclusive partnership strategies and the new media landscape delivers a veritable paradise of opportunities. I look forward each morning to delving into the wider world utilising the internet, and thinking about how RA can link with it.

September 2, 2010


It's ok, Pascale had the station up and running immediately. Sighs of relief, we're back on the airwaves. New broadcasters on the horizon at last, French ones too, yippee. Slowly making contact with other media networks in France, searching for talent. Loving doing this, it doesn't feel like work.