December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve in Paris

Tomorrow we drive to Paris to watch the New Year's Eve celebrations - you've gotta be able to say you've been in Paris the night of Dec 31st just once in your life I reckon. I've spent most of this week working on a new website for Radio Aquitaine, check it out --
It's been great to have time to work on the station, I normally NEVER have time in Australia. Truth is, it's just great to be here. I've been contacted by another potential sponsor, amazing. And I thought no-one would be interested. That's a good new year's present. I'll keep plodding away. And thanks for those comments, I'll keep writing. Bonne année et j'espère que vous avez un productif et gentil 2010.

December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve musings - Dec 09

I have at last returned to the place I feel happiest. Finally I can continue my work on the station. Does anyone even read this? Probably not but hey, I teach journalism, writing is my hobby and it'll be good to document the frustratingly difficult process of attempting to realize a dream in south west France, so I'll write anyway. We've just enjoyed xmas dinner with our French neighbours, a night of wines, food and cultural exploration, how I love the French language -it's the spirit of France. Last week I was invited to the British Consul xmas party in Bordeaux. The Pro Consul suggested we meet in January to discuss station progress. At our last meeting the consul suggested I strongly consider turning the station into Radio Aquitaine to extend the audience reach and project scope. I am now seriously considering this.

January will be busy - not only does the website need a great deal of work but I need to buy an adapter to make the pointlessly purchased in Australia satellite receivers work in France, the guys from Uni of Lincoln should be coming January 11th, I have to run some radio production and interviewing sessions for the local University and I want to contact the School of Journalism in Bordeaux for possible student broadcasters. I only have four weeks left, as usual time is not on my side. But for now, being xmas, I intend to rug up, read by the wood fired stove, relax and hug my two boys and partner tightly before I have to head back once again to what I hope will be a less difficult year in Australia.

Tenacity and patience from the other side of the world - Oct 09

Can't believe I wrote this back in October and being a stressed out workaholic, forgot to post it, here tis ... I'm moving slowly but surely. The satellite is now installed on the roof of the University, the tech guys from Uni of Lincoln are happy to do the set-up in January, I've been approached by the University of Hull about applying for EU funding, enthusiastic media veteran Geoff, ex Dordogne resident now back in England is busy exploring advertising and sponsorship opportunities, and Dordogne resident Clive is keen to find local advertisers. The Dordogne English language paper has run a full page feature interview, consequently email inquiries continued to grow. I have advertised radio training sessions in Perigueux in January and my first serious advertiser - an international finance company, have just agreed to regular segments. I can't quite believe it seems to be happening.

Unfortunately it's been a pretty unpleasant year in other ways in Australia (thank you Flight of the Conchords for reminding me to laugh). I'm a firm believer in that old maxim - It's not your achievements that define success, but how you treat people along the way. My naive belief in an innate goodness in others has, dare I say at last, been shattered. Can't wait to return to my little stone cottage in December and get things moving. And my new motto-Never, ever, ever give up ....